Case Study

Organic Company

Organic Company Increased Sales by Remarketing Campaign

About Organic Company

Organic Company is an Australian based organic products’ distributor. Its e-commerce offers to those looking for a selection of more than 100 organic products to choose from. Organic Company is one of the highly popular portals for the health-conscious customers in Australia, more specifically in South East (Melbourne and Sydney).

The Challenge

For the health-conscious, organic products are a considered purchase and therefore they will invest valuable time researching the quality, location and availability across several suppliers before making an inquiry or purchase.

  • Organic Company Analytics showed that over 90% of the traffic visiting their website left without converting.
  • The cost of converting a lead into a client was getting higher for them.
  • They were getting frustrated with their spent on Google Adwords, and didn’t have the time to invest in learning it themselves.

While Organic Company spent time running the PPC campaigns, they found that even with a healthy amount of traffic coming to their website, largely supported by their Adwords PPC Campaigns, over 90% of visitors were leaving without making an inquiry or completing a purchase, even after adding some products to their shopping cart.

The previous problems represented a cost for them at various levels

  • Loss of potential sales
  • Lost repeat orders
  • Investment in driving traffic that generated little or no return

It was clear they needed a better solution that would provide greater profitability for the business. But before establishing a strategy we should answer the following key questions:

  • Could Remarketing bring conversions from traffic that had previously been lost?
  • Can remarketing work at a cost per conversion at least as profitable as the Adwords Core Keywords activity or PPC campaigns?
  • Will previous visitors respond to the targeted adverts on other websites?

Since remarketing campaigns generally costs less than normal search ads, Organic Company was excited to solve this challenge and improve their sales using remarketing campaign.


We recommended Organic Company to invest in remarketing to keep their brand at the front of the visitor’s mind and to bring them back to the website to make an inquiry or successfully place an order. To achieve this goal NetConnect Digital proposed a strategy to not only target visitors who do not buy from the website but also to micro-target customers who abandoned the site after adding product(s) to their cart.

We summarize our solutions in the following way

  • Dynamic Remarketing: we linked Organic Company’s product feed and E-commerce to our system, which allows us to precisely monitor what products individual customers were viewing and engaging with.
  • The right person sees the right product: then we linked up our dynamic ad serving platform and used the exact products the customer viewed on the website in the ad that we showed them.
  • Custom audience bidding: after data collection, we were able to see consumer behavioral patterns and change the bidding, frequency and audience groupings to reflect them.

How do we use remarketing to effectively bring back traffic and boost conversions?

Step 1: We set up the segmentation strategy for how to best target the remarketing advertisements to the past visitors based on how they previously behaved on the website.

Step 2: The next thing was to get the essential Remarketing tracking code applied throughout Organic Company’s website.

Step 3: Once the segmentation strategy was agreed on and the tracking code in place, the Net Connect Digital team devoted all its time setting up activities and creating some very compelling advertisements to encourage people to come back to Organic Company.

Step 4: The performance of any online marketing campaign relies on expert optimization. Once the remarketing went live, our team was closely monitoring the results and optimizing the campaign to give Organic Company the highest possible return on investment

Although it was an intense task during the first weeks, after this period we consistently managed the remarketing campaigns to maximize performance and acheive better results.


When NetConnect Digital took control over the remarketing campaign, Organic Company was having very few sales per month. From just 2 sales for a cost of $58 in January, NetConnect was able to increase the number of sales to 16, which represents an increase of 700%. At the same time, we reduced the conversion costs from $29 per sale to only $7.6, a 73% reduction in the cost per sale.

Conversion Cost Cost/Conversion
Organic Company 2 $58 $29
NetConnect Digital 16 $122 $7.63


Paid search platforms like Google AdWords are self-service, which means it’s not essential to hire a professional to set up and manage your campaigns. However, most small business owners lack the time, experience and tools to maximize their ROI.

If you put those tasks in NetConnect’s hands, our team of experts will use their outstanding knowledge of the client’s sales funnel to set bids appropriately and achieve an optimal cost-per-lead. Our desire to make the client’s business our own along with years of expert PPC management experience equals a cost-effective form of advertising with great reach and potential for getting in front of many more potential customers.

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