What is a Landing Page? A Helpful Guide
Does your company’s website have an effective, well-designed landing page? In order to drive traffic to your website and convert site visitors into repeat customers or clients, your landing page needs to contain some essential elements in order to do so effectively.
Not sure where to start? We are here to help. Let’s take a look at what exactly a landing page is, the content it should contain, and how implementing certain tools can impact your brand or business’s success.
What is a Landing Page?
In order to create and maintain a valuable landing page, you first need to fully understand what the term entails.
- Basically, your web page’s landing page is the standalone location a site visitor will “land” on after clicking an ad—whether that ad is in an email, on a social media site, through a search engine, etc.
- The landing page will be a consumer’s first stop on your site. For that reason, you want to ensure that what they see and how it is presented to them is streamlined for success.
- A landing page differs from a web page in that it should have a singular focus in order to sustain the visitor’s interest. The singular focus on a landing page is known as a CTA—which stands for “Call to Action.” The CTA is what specific action you want the consumer to take.
- Examples of different types of CTA include: making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter or other form of regular correspondence, filling out a feedback form, asking for a quote or estimate, and more.
- If a consumer completes the CTA, you have successfully converted them from a one-time visitor to a client or customer. Conversion rates are a data tool designed to track how successful your site’s landing page is at achieving this goal.
- The specific, single focus of your landing page is key to retaining and converting customers. The landing page leads a potential customer directly to a link for taking an action.
- Some companies utilize PPC advertising to direct consumers to their landing page. PPC, or “Pay Per Click,” is an advertising approach where you pay the publisher of your ads each time someone clicks on the ad.
- PPC advertising is usually tied with the most frequently used, popular search engines. So, a consumer may click on your ad to be taken right to your company’s landing page.
- SEO is also an avenue for directing web searchers to your site’s landing page. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the strategy of utilizing certain keywords or phrases that, when searched, land your business or brand’s site at the top (or as high up as possible) in the search results. The higher in the search results you land, the more likely someone will be to click on and visit your site.
- SEO and PPC advertising strategies both generate valuable leads for your business or brand’s landing page.
What’s the Difference Between a Homepage and a Landing Page?
- In addition to the singular focus, a landing page differs from a homepage because it should have only one link related to the CTA.
- Comparatively, a homepage may have numerous links and various areas to explore.
- From the standpoint of a landing page, a homepage is full of “distractions.” There are many areas for visitors to click and explore, which may cause them to “wander” from the purchase or sign-up you ultimately want them to complete in order to get their business.
- While the homepage’s design and varied offerings are also an integral part of building a brand’s recognition, a landing page works hard to hone in on one offer or other CTA necessary for driving sales.
What are the characteristics or features of a well-designed landing page?
In order for your landing page to achieve your goal—conversion—you need to be sure the basic “building blocks” have been utilized appropriately in the page’s setup.
The following elements are critical for inclusion on a landing page:
- Headline—this should be a short, succinct statement that matches or directly correlates with what the consumer clicked on to get here.
- Supporting copy—extra information that is also brief and to the point.
- Form header—a statement explaining what the form to be completed is all about.
- Supporting copy—a clarifying statement letting customers know what they’ll receive in exchange for signing up/entering their contact information.
- Form fields—this is where customers enter their information. Try to pare it down to the essential information needed with this request.
- Call to action—this should be an attention-grabbing “button” for users to click on to complete the action.
- GDPR compliance—this is where the required checkbox should be placed for consumers to check that they’ve read and agreed to the terms of your privacy policy.
- Social proof—here, you should have customer reviews, testimonials, and/or other convincing material to reassure consumers of their decision.
- Reinforcing statement—another reinforcement for customers about your brand or business’s capabilities and competency.
- Benefits—depending on your particular site and services offered, this is where you will briefly summarize the benefits customers can expect from your company.
- Features—this is the spot for highlighting any additional benefits or info for customers to see.
- Footer—the footer trails along the bottom of the landing page, with your company’s name/logo and/or any copyright statement you may have to include.
There you have it! If you have the above-listed elements solidly in place, your landing page is headed toward a path of conversion success. Next, you need to recruit the help of a top-notch digital marketing agency to launch and maintain your company’s desired marketing and advertising approach.
Whatever phase or stage your landing page may currently be in—from pre-design to maintenance, or in need of reimagining an approach, NetConnect Digital Agency is Pennsylvania’s #1 digital marketing services provider—and we can take you to the next level in no time.
Are you ready to take your landing page to the next level? Let NetConnect Digital Agency take it from here. Call us to get started today.