WordPress Security and Maintenance – 6 Month Plan

$594.00 every 6 months

Constantly protecting and caring for your data.

Intelligent Website Security.

Secure Daily WordPress & Cloud Backups.

Constant Uptime Monitoring.

Malware Scanning.

Performance Optimization.

Regular Summery Reports.



What is a WordPress Maintenance & Security Program and how can it help keep your data safe and secure?

Intelligent Website Security.

Configuring a security plugin with the most optimal security features without breaking your site and usability is a quite the technical task.

Our WordPress security experts install and configure our premium security plugin to give you 360 degree firewall protection from hackers, bots, spam, malicious file uploads, brute force attacks, and much more.

Never worry again about getting red malware messages or having your site compromised by hackers or bots exploiting a vulnerability.

Secure Daily WordPress & Cloud Backups.

Constant updates means lots of bugs and vulnerabilities that need to be patched or your site is going to be much more accessible to hackers, malware, and spam.

Our daily scheduled backups use a unique method unlike any other backup service where 95% of the backup process is done on our server infrastructure giving you a superbly low server load.

Cloud based website backups are crucial nowadays since most web hosts do not offer website backups as part of their hosting services. If your host or server were to ever go down, or your invoice was not paid, you would lose your site and would have to recreate the entire website again – not a fortunate position to be in.

Other features can you expect from this service:

CONSTANT UPTIME MONITORING: Receive either an email and/or a text notification if your site were to go down to minimize downtime for customers and potential revenue. Our false-positive checker confirms the site is down multiple times to reduce any inconsistencies. We also offer WordPress Hosting on our own servers.

MALWARE SCANNING: Our web based integrity monitor and malware scanner scans the pages of your site and compares the code against the known malware knowledge base and also check’s your site blacklist status on Google Safe Browsing, Norton Safe Web, ESET, etc. Block all possible entry points to exploitany weakness in your site’s code to prevent your site being used to infect your visitors or steal credential information such as social media logins. Prevention is a lot better strategy than malware remediation.

PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION: We delete bloating spam comments, optimize your MySQL Database to perform its fastest, and do monthly website speed tests that are attached to your monthly report. A CDN – Content Delivery Network distributes your content around the world so it’s closer to your visitors which in turn speeds up your site. We compress your site’s resources which will reduce the number of bytes sent over the network and will improve performance and usability for the visitor. Improves your website’s speed by 100%-200% and reduces server load and bandwidth.

MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORTS: Beautiful monthly reports detailing what has been done to your site – updates, backups, # of spam comments removed, malware status, performance optimization report, google analytics integration, and SEO keyword tracking.