
How to Write a Blog Post

Published In : 14-December-2021

Are you planning to start a blog and start making money through blogging? Then this article is for you

Here in this article, we will explain to you step by step ” HOW TO WRITE A BLOG POST”

Let us start by explaining what is a blog post.

What is a blog post?

A blog is an informational website published on the World Wide Web that consists of an entry (article), news item, or guide that you write on a blog. It mainly covers specific informational content based on topics and can also include content such as text, photos, infographics, or videos.

A blog post should be informative as well as interesting to read. Users should get answers for what they are looking for and it should not be in a boring way.

Now let’s get into the real part.

How to Write a Blog Post

Here are the steps we should follow to write a good blog post.

  1. Plan & Research
  2. Know your audience
  3. Create your blog website.
  4. Choose your first blog post topic
  5. Come up with a headline that is both informative and eye-catching.
  6. Write your blog post
  7. Proofread and edit your post
  8. Optimize the blog (On-Page SEO)
  9. Publish

Let’s review the points one by one.

Plan & Research

Planning & Researching is the most important thing while starting a blog. From choosing a niche and domain till we press the publish button, we have to plan everything. We need to have a complete idea of what are we going to do. This planning will make everything easy.

Knowing Our audience

Before we start writing our first blog post, we have to make sure that we have a clearcut understanding of our target audience.

Just research about what users are looking for in that particular niche. Once we find that, all we have to do is to make sure that our blog post has what our target audiences are looking for. They should get answers to their query, that is all it matters.

Create your blog website.

This section includes the purchase of a domain, the choice of a CMS, the registration of domains/subdomains with the hosting of a website, etc.

The domain is one of the most important aspects while creating a website. That’s the first thing users notices. So, make sure to choose a good domain name.

We suggest choosing either Wix or WordPress as your CMS. These two have an easy-to-understand UI & (and) it’s very easy to maintain.

Choose a good theme, it’s better to choose a simple theme rather than going with high-end designs. Just keep in mind that our focus is not the design, but the information that we provide on the website.

We will have to choose the host very carefully because the host plays a very important role in our website performance. A few of our hosting suggestions are Hostinger, GoDaddy, HostGator, A2Hosting, and Bluehost.

Choose your first blog post topic

Choosing every blog topic is very important. Be sure to research and pick all your topics just like the first one. Be sure the topic is related to your niche and it will give your audience what they came looking for.

Make sure to research the subject while choosing a topic. Use tools like google trends to know about what people are looking for in your niche.

Come up with a Title that is both informative and eye-catching.

Even though the first title we choose may not end up being the final title (more on that in a moment), it will provide enough information so that we can focus our blog post on something more specific than an overwhelming, generic topic.

While picking a title be sure that the title is both informative and eye-catching because that is what audiences notices at the first glimpse.

Write your blog post

We must focus on the below-listed things while writing a blog post

  • Introduction: The intro is as important as the title. If we lose the reader in the first few paragraphs/ sentences of the introduction, they’ll stop reading even before they reach the main part.
  • Organize: Organize the content in a way so readers aren’t intimidated by the length/ amount of content in your blog post.
  • Header Tags / Anchor Texts / Alt Tags – Since Google’s last “Page Algorithm Update“, it has become very important to focus on this because Google will search for the SERP snippet title and description from the header, the anchor texts, alt tags, and our query-based content.
  • Images & Infographics: Make sure to include images and infographics related to the content. A good image can help lighten the tone of your posts and add some much-needed humor elements to your article. Infographics will help the readers to understand the content easily.

Proofread and edit your post

It is essentials to make sure there are no errors in the blog posts. You should make sure there are no grammatical mistakes or repetitions in your article. We suggest “Grammarly” which will help you to clear the grammatical errors.

you should also check for plagiarism. It’s necessary to avoid duplicate content in our article. Try Small SEO Tools Plagiarism Checker.

Optimize the blog

On-Page SEO optimization is a very important factor to drive traffic to your website. Try to follow all the latest SEO methods and trends to improve the keywords ranking of the website in Google SERP.

From Choosing the keywords to writing the very last line in the article, you have to make sure we follow everything that helps to drive more traffic.

Some of the things that are important to focus on in on-page SEO include meta tags, heading tags, anchor texts, alt tags, internal links, etc.

Don’t forget to include CTAs and make sure the website is mobile-friendly.


This is the final part. when everything mentioned above is fulfilled, all you have to do is click the publish button.

But your work as a blogger doesn’t end after hitting the publish button. Maintaining the article and updating outdated content is important.

Connect the website with Google Analytics and Google search console to know how the website is performing. Based on the data, you can optimize and develop your blog site to yield better results.


Blogging is one of those jobs that seems easy until you start it. With time and practice, you’ll be able to blog like a pro in no time.

Follow all the steps mentioned above and start your blog today! Happy Blogging!

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