
Do you need a Website Makeover for 2023?

Published In : 08-December-2022

Do you find it difficult to meet the growing business demands with your old website? Then, it is time for a website makeover, and 2023 is the right time to make your plans a reality. Partnering with a web designing company can offer you many advantages like getting continuous professional support and customized services.

NetConnect Digital Agency is one of the best website design companies in the United States with many years of experience in creating incredible websites for companies ranging from start-ups to MNCs. Our team can create ecommerce website design, landing page design, small business website design, and complex designs for large-scale businesses across the globe. If you need any website help or other digital requirements for your business, we are always there to support you.

Planning to upgrade website in 2023?

An attractive website is the best advertisement that drives customers to your business. The right website design can work wonders for your business promotion, more than any marketing department. However, there are still many companies that have not yet realized the power of a personalized website. Many of them build a website just to move with the trend, and do not bother to support or upgrade websites thereafter. With 2023 just a month away, having a digital redesign will help you to take your business to the next level.

Why is a website makeover important?

Redesigning your old company website can give you many advantages over your competitors. Let us discuss a few of them in detail.

To stay on trend – The world of business is changing every day with the advancement of technology. To stay in the loop, you need to remain updated with the latest trends in the industry. Revolutionary features and updates have been introduced in web designing over the last year can give your website a fresh look and feel, which was not possible earlier. Thus, only those companies that stay on trend will have an upper hand in the market and be successful in their business.

Attract more customers – The most important purpose of a website is to attract the maximum number of customers to the business and remain connected to them 24/7. This aim would not be fulfilled unless you have an elegant website that keeps visitors hooked on to the content. It depends on the look and utility of the website whether it is going to be a vacant space or a busy online market that sells your company’s services.

Improve SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking – Today, businesses across the globe are desperately trying to rank their websites on top of the search engine results page. This is because users usually visit only those websites that come on the top of the first page. Unless you can adorn that top position for relevant keywords, your website is not going to be viewed by anyone. Therefore, it is essential to create a website design with SEO in mind.

Gain more leads – The most important goal of every business enterprise is to gain quality leads that get converted into customers. Your company website can be the best tool to attract leads by converting website visitors into potential customers. However, this goal is not possible if you are still using outdated websites for your business.

Boost your brand – Building a brand presence can take your business to great heights within no time. A powerful website will act as your brand ambassador online and can take your name and fame on a global level. To achieve this, you must upgrade your business website at least once a year to incorporate the latest advancements happening in the industry. The change should be in all areas including content, design, images, and other technical parameters.

Limitations of website design templates

During recent years, website design templates have become the most common and easiest means for small businesses to build their company website. Although this is a growing trend, templates have many limitations when compared to original websites developed by professionals. Here are some drawbacks of relying on website design templates.

No ownership – When you build your website with free design templates or a rented service like GoDaddy website design, Shopify website design or WIX website design, you can never claim complete ownership of the website. That means you will not be able to make any major changes to the website, including changing the hosting provider. This is not good practice for an established company.

Limited designs – Even if you are using the best website builder, website templates pose huge limitations when it comes to customizing it as per your requirement. You will have to choose a better template from the given options and may not find what you exactly want. Also, there may be many companies using similar designs to yours, and this prevents your business from building a unique identity. In addition, it at once tells potential customers that you have a “boxed website,” meaning its packaged in a “box” and innumerable people can buy the “box.”

Time & effort – While building a website on your own using a template, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to complete the work. As you are not familiar with website designing, you may have to face several challenges in the process. However, with the support of a professional web designing company, you can easily set up a unique website within days.

Poor SEO – Websites built using templates often score exceptionally low in SEO analysis. This is due to the limitations in website speed, page navigability, placement of content and various other factors. Thus, if you are planning to take your website to the search engine results page, it is essential that you reconsider using a design template.

Diminish brand value – A business website plays a key role in enhancing your company’s brand value. It is based on your website that people all over the globe recognize and judge your company and form the first impression about your business and services. Therefore, you must ensure that the website reflects your brand presence.

“My click through rate went through the roof after we contracted NetConnect to build our custom website,” the owner of an energy company said. “I was also pleasantly surprised to see our own contacts increase by nearly 80% in just two months after starting to work with NetConnect! Their team of designers, writers, and SEO professionals really don’t compare to others. NetConnect Digital is really that good, and I don’t ever say things like that. Trust me. Call them.”

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