
Best Google SEO Tools to Boost Leads for Your Business

Published In : 28-October-2020

Now more than ever, consumers are dependent upon the internet for finding (and buying) the products and services they want and need in their lives.

Whether searching for a specific item or type of company, you want to ensure your business is at the top of the list for optimal results.

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is crucial to getting your company’s name noticed. You need to be in the know to tackle these SEO tools on your own, or you can recruit the SEO services provided by the experts at NetConnect Digital Agency.

Either way, you need to brush up on the basics of what tools of the trade are available for you in the SEO world.

Let’s face it—Google is a one-stop-shop for digital marketing. Everyone goes to Google for whatever product or service they’re searching for. In order to maximize your business’s road to success, you need to hop on the Google train.

To help boost your brand, let’s take a look at what (free) Google SEO tools you need to land those leads for your business:

  1. Google Alerts—The Google Alerts tool is a great way to track who is searching for an exact term—like the name of your business! Monitor and maintain (or improve) your business’s online visibility by making the most of what Google Alerts has to offer.
  • Set up a Google Alert with your business’s name to track how often and how many users are looking you up. Specifically, you can see whenever your name, your company’s name, and your most important keywords are entered in the search bar.
  • You can also use this tool to keep an eye on the competition—set up a Google Alert with the name(s) of your main competitors, and be notified when someone searches for their company name as well.
  • Seeing how you stack up compared to the competition will help you analyze what next steps to take in your SEO plan.
  • Another “pro” that comes from using Google Alerts is that setup is quick and pretty simple to do. Set it up and start using the valuable feedback to your advantage.
  • Google Alerts also allows you to track your “searchability” much more efficiently than manually monitoring social media sites in order to do virtually the same thing. Google Alerts do not work in real-time, but you will get information back much more quickly than from most other avenues.
  1. Google Search Console—This techy tool is one of the most valuable assets you’ll find when it comes to boosting your SEO presence.
  • Why? Google Search Console basically tells you whether or not you’re “Google-friendly.”
  • If there is some reason that your site is not coming up or being flagged in Google search results, this tool will let you know so that you can correct the issue and get back to climbing the ranks in results.
  • You won’t have to worry or guess why your site isn’t coming up in certain searches with this clear, direct communication.
  • Although the setup and installation of Google Search Console can be a bit more complicated than some of its counterparts, the knowledge you receive relating to how Google is receiving your website is definitely worth the extra work.
  1. Google Keyword Planner—Google Keyword Planner is an SEO tool that does just what the name implies—it helps you plan the right keywords to use for boosting your success.
  • Choosing and utilizing the best keywords for your content is essential to getting your name in front of the right potential customer at the right time. This handy tool helps to take the guesswork out of the keywords game.
  • How does it work? Basically, you can search for keywords related to your business, and use the keyword research findings provided by Google Keyword Planner to see exactly which related terms consumers are searching, as well as the frequency.
  • This can help you to narrow down your list to the most valuable and potentially profitable keywords to hone in on for your particular business.
  1. Google Analytics—Another favorite, free SEO tool provided by Google is Google Analytics.
    • This data-driven resource delivers specifics like site traffic and conversion rates.
    • Conversion rates tell you how many visitors to your site fulfill one of your business goals (like making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, filling out an information request form, etc.) in comparison to the total number of visitors.
    • Conversion rates are essential to evaluating your SEO success on an analytical level (hence the fitting name!). If crunching numbers is your thing, you’ll fall in love with the SEO services provided by Google Analytics.
  1. Google Autocomplete—Google Autocomplete is hands-down the easiest to use—and most recognizable SEO tool offered. In fact, you likely use it all the time!
  • This drop-down menu on Google’s search engine auto-populates 7-8 top terms using predictive text to help consumers find exactly what they’re looking for.
  • You can use this tool to your company’s advantage by studying which keywords and terms related to your business that people are seeking.
  • You can use the findings to tweak and tailor your keywords to match the results.

Even though this isn’t an exhaustive list, these five fabulous (and did we mention free?!) SEO tools provided by Google are definitely game-changers when it comes to boosting your brand’s presence on the internet search results.

Although leveraging the available SEO tools to your business’s advantage can be overwhelming and quite time-consuming, it doesn’t have to be—when put your business in the trusted hands of the team at NetConnect Digital Agency, it’s a no-brainer.

In addition to offering an array of services, including social media management, e-commerce, design and web development, and more, NetConnect Digital Agency is your one-stop-shop for premier SEO services.

NetConnect doesn’t take being the best SEO services provider in the U.S.A. lightly—they’re committed to delivering your business or brand with the results you expect.

Let the SEO services pros at NetConnect Digital Agency take your brand to the next level.

Want to learn more about the top White Label SEO agency in Pennsylvania? Call or visit today for your free local SEO report.

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