
Should You Build Your Website on WordPress?

Published In : 16-June-2020

Believe it or not, more than 40% of small businesses in the U.S. don’t have a website. Most of them state cost has been holding them back. In a world where customers use the internet on a daily basis and as a way to find products online, not having a website can hurt your bottom line.

When it comes to developing a website, you don’t have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars. Working with a WordPress development company can be affordable. The business you generate from your site could be enough to pay for its creation.

Why You Should Build Your Website on WordPress

If you are a business that has been putting off getting a website because you’re worried about the cost, you really should reconsider. Here are some reasons why you should build your site on WordPress:

  1. Creative Control

Originally, WordPress started out as a blogging platform, but it has grown. Now, you can create webpages and highlight your business. It comes with thousands of different themes, so you can create a page that makes your business stand out.

  1. Plugins

In addition to being able to create a website that helps your business stand out, WordPress also offers a wide range of plugins to further extend your site’s capabilities. Some of the most popular plugins for the site include the following:

  • A contact form – This ensures that your customers can get in touch with you for any questions or concerns they might have
  • eCommerce options – You more than likely want to be able to sell your products directly from your site, and you can when you add an eCommerce plugin
  • Analytics – Knowing how people are using your site is beneficial so that you can make changes to ensure that visitors convert into leads or buying customers
  • Newsletter – If you’re hoping to stay in contact with customers through email, you can add a plugin that helps you create newsletters

In total, WordPress has more than 50,000 plugins to choose from. Thus, you are sure to find the feature that will make your site run optimally and encourage customers to buy from you.

  1. Time and Money Savings

If you’re like a lot of business owners, you don’t have a lot of spare time to work on your website. The truth is that you could set up a WordPress site in about five minutes. Of course, it may not look exactly the way you want it to, but it would give you a presence on the web.

Using WordPress also costs a lot less than creating a website from scratch. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to be found online. You can stay within your budget.

Should you be really worried about not having the time to create a webpage, even on WordPress, you can work with professionals who offer WordPress development services. They’ll have the time to make a website that looks amazing and helps customers find you.

  1. Site Security

You might be thinking that since WordPress is open for anyone to use that it doesn’t have good security features. The truth is that WordPress has a lot of security features in place to ensure everyone’s information is protected, from your customer’s personal information to reducing the amount of spam you get.

You can even add extra plugins for more security. Whether you plan on selling or just having an online presence, WordPress can meet your website security needs.

  1. SEO Compatible

While having a website is important, you have to go beyond this. You have to make sure that your content is created with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind so that you will show up in search engines. When you create a website with WordPress, you’re working on a platform that is SEO compatible and friendly.

In addition, you can also add plugins to ensure that your content has all of the elements necessary to be found by search bots and real people.

You don’t have to be technically savvy to incorporate SEO, but if you’re hoping to take your site to the top of the search list, then you might consider working with a WordPress development company. They have the time and skills to find the keywords that will ensure you get found. This is the best way to make sure customers can find you on the web.

  1. User Friendly

Not only is WordPress compatible with SEO, it’s also easy to use. You don’t need to have a lot of technical skills or know coding to create a website using this platform. It’s helpful if you have some knowledge of computers, but you don’t need a degree in computer science to create a WordPress page.

To make it even easier on yourself, you can always work with WordPress development services. These professionals know WordPress inside and out, and they’ll ensure that your site looks professional and functions flawlessly. You’ll stand out from the competition if you work with a service provider to create your site on WordPress.

  1. Great Support System

If you find that you’re having issues with your WordPress site, there are a ton of free forums that you can visit. Whether you have a question about WordPress maintenance or creating a blog, other users have been where you are and can walk you through the process.

However, if you work with a professional to help you build your WordPress site, they’ll be able to take care of any problems that you might encounter. This gives you the opportunity to focus on running your business and taking care of all the customers your website will attract.

Don’t Miss Out on Opportunities

Your business needs a website. It’s one of the easiest ways to connect with customers and make sales. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a great looking website. When you partner with a WordPress development company, you don’t have to spend any time creating a presence online.

Don’t miss out on any more opportunities. Get online today!

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