
How To Track Google Algorithm Updates

Published In : 11-September-2020

No matter the business you run, one of the essential pieces of it is marketing. As you enter the world of digital marketing, you will undoubtedly hear strange terms such as SEO and Google Algorithms.  Delving into this world could feel like learning a whole new set of skills in order to see a return on your business.

The proper digital marketing company could help you navigate the treacherous waters that are marketing in today’s new day and age. With the SEO packages and direct marketing advice that is available at a digital marketing company, there is no reason to find the information that you need alone. NetConnect Digital Agency is there to walk you through the trenches of digital marketing.

Even if you work with a company to help you navigate, there is no reason not to educate yourself on some of the inner workings of the digital marketing world. With Google being one of the biggest platforms that offer marketing potential, knowing more about Google Algorithms could only help you in creating the type of content other will want to read as they navigate the search engine.

What Are Google Algorithms?

The algorithm that Google uses is a complex system that gives the best results available on the internet based on the search someone is conducting. Breaking this down further, an algorithm is a set of rules which solve a problem within a certain amount of steps. When it comes to computers, an algorithm will perform a task based on a specific task.

A Google Algorithm uses the same basic principle to provide you with the search results you see when you type something into the search bar on the website. The algorithm is the one that determines which websites you see and in which order you see them. Google developed a complex algorithm that governs this information, and though they don’t make the whole thing known publicly, it is something that is updated often.

Google did disclose, however, that there are a couple of different factors which impact how a website is ranked:

  • The keywords and the way in which they appear in the title of the page, header tags, and the meta description of the site.
  • Organic links that show up on the page.
  • How the site does on mobile devices such as smartphones.

What the algorithm does is review the website and give it a numerical value based on the information that it finds, such as the keywords mentioned above. Once someone searches for information that fits that website’s description, Google will show the site in order of the numerical value that it is given as it reads the site. This is where SEO, or search engine optimization, comes into play as websites and the content they carry are specifically designed to rank as high on the algorithm as possible.

Why Track Updates?

In the beginning, Google would only make a couple of changes to its algorithm every year. The way the internet progressed forward throughout all of these years is causing them to make thousands of changes a year in order for the search engine to remain as efficient. Though most of the changes are subtle, some have a much larger impact, such as those they’ve named Fred, Hummingbird, Pigeon, and Payday.

Though most of the changes are much more subtle in nature, they can have a large impact on your website, whether good or bad. These changes can impact your websites:

  • Visibility and ranking
  • Organic traffic through searches
  • Conversions
  • ROI or Return on Investment
  • Revenue

The reason to keep tracking this information is to always stay ahead. Though most believe the changes in the algorithm are a way for Google to punish different websites, it is not the case. It is a simple matter of attempting to perfect the algorithm always to show the most pertinent information.

As someone who is running a website, this information will be immensely important to you. If any changes are coming to the algorithm, which may negatively impact your overall rating, you can always begin with making updates ahead of time in order for your website to retain visibility.

If the algorithm change is impacting your website for the better, it would be the perfect time to better the site that you already have and stay ahead of the curve.

How to Track Updates?

Tracking the information may not be as daunting as it seems. If you decided to work with a company that is providing you with SEO service, they would already have all of that in hand as they continue to build your online presence. On the other hand, if you are looking for the information yourself, there are plenty of blogs and websites dedicated to this information. Of course, Google will also publish that information.

The various ways in which you can find important information concerning new changes:

  • Google Master Central Blog: this may not contain every little detail, but any bigger rollouts are included.
  • Twitter: though there is not one dedicated entity to provide information, sometimes those who work on the changes at Google will post up to date information. There are a few people that you could follow for further updates.

There are also third-party tools that may provide you with some of the information you are looking for. Google has stated that some of these may be inaccurate, and though they can track fluctuations, they do not always mean that an algorithm change has taken place. These may be best used as pointers so that you can begin your search in the right place:

  • MozCast
  • SEMrush Sensor
  • Rank Ranger Rank Risk Index Tool
  • Accuranker ‘Grump’ Rating
  • Algoroo
  • Advanced Web Rankings Google Algorithm Changes
  • CognitiveSEO Signals

Now What?

Should you find yourself admits an algorithm change, the key is not to panic. Take any of the information you have, and without rushing into significant changes immediately, allow the update to go through. Research thoroughly on how it may impact your site and begin to work your way towards a better ranking from there should you find the website negatively impacted.

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